I'm the girl that went from circus performer to MBA graduate. I love the beach, iced coffee, Mexican food, a tequila cocktail, horses, and slow mornings. My goal? To help others find their version of success and stop living for someone else's.
In 2024, I took a major leap: I left my job and transitioned my side hustle into a full-time business. For years, I balanced my podcast and personal brand while dreaming of creating something bigger—something that could make a real impact. At the end of last year, that dream became a reality. I launched Your Marketing Mastermind, a 1-on-1 coaching program designed to help business owners take the guesswork out of marketing.
After working as VP of Marketing and Head of Agency, I’ve partnered with over 150 business owners across various industries. What I learned is that the traditional agency model doesn’t work for everyone. Many business owners:
Some have marketing teams or assistants who excel in specific areas like social media but lack expertise in email funnels, paid ads, or strategic planning. These experiences showed me a gap in the market: a need for personalized coaching that empowers business owners to market confidently and effectively.
Business coaching is a $20 billion industry projected to grow even further in 2025. Why? Because it’s not just about formal education anymore. People are seeking niche-specific guidance from experienced professionals. Coaching delivers actionable strategies, accountability, and confidence to move forward.
According to studies, 86% of companies that invest in coaching report a positive return on investment. Coaching shines a light on blind spots, provides tailored solutions, and helps business owners focus on their strengths while addressing challenges.
Marketing isn’t just about social media posts, email campaigns, or SEO. It’s about connecting all the pieces to create a cohesive strategy that:
At Your Marketing Mastermind, I focus on creating personalized marketing plans that align with your business goals and resources.
This program is for you if:
If any of these resonate, let’s connect for a free discovery call. We’ll dive into your concerns, conduct a marketing audit, and create a customized plan tailored to your business.
There’s an abundance of free marketing information online. So why invest in coaching? The answer is simple: coaching saves you time and provides a clear, actionable roadmap tailored to your business. Instead of guessing, you’ll get expert guidance to maximize your resources and efforts.
Book a FREE discovery call or follow @your_marketing_mastermind on Instagram to learn more. Let’s work together to take your marketing—and your business—to the next level.
I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see, xo Cami