In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into the world of marketing—but don’t worry, I’m going to break it down in a way that feels less like a marketing lesson and more like a casual chat with a friend. Whether you feel overwhelmed by the digital space or are unsure of where to start, this post […]

Digital Directions: Where, When, and Why to Show Up Online

Let's Talk ___, Marketing

“Fake it ’til you make it” is a phrase we’ve all heard at some point. It’s about stepping into roles or situations where you’re not 100% sure of yourself but having the courage to push through until confidence naturally follows. In this blog post, I’m sharing my story about how I learned to juggle on […]

Fake It ‘Til You Make It: The Art of Building Confidence Through Courage

Goals & Growth, Let's Talk ___

As I moved from Coffee Kids and Cocktails to a personal brand, this has come up a lot, and I’ve been on a journey to find what makes me special, or different. What sets me apart? Like, why would someone want to listen to me? What are my qualifications? Does it matter that I have […]

Your YOU Factor

Goals & Growth, Let's Talk ___, Marketing